28 May 2024

Bezos' Cat Box Liner

You have doubtless heard the story about Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's getting his insurrectionist freak flag on, I posted about it here, but did you know that the Washington Post had the story and buried it for more than three years?

What the f%$# is wrong with the editors:

The most interesting story in Sunday's Washington Post was on Page A3 — and 1,221 days late.

  • It turns out that The Post's former Supreme Court reporter, Bob Barnes, did a front-yard interview with Justice Samuel Alito on Jan. 20, 2021 — President Biden's inauguration day — about the upside-down American flag that had flown outside the justice's home in Fairfax County, Va.
  • The Post decided it wasn't a story, until The New York Times broke the news on May 16 — 3 years, 4 months later.

Why it matters: The flag — which Alito attributed to his wife, Martha-Ann Alito — raised ethics questions that were heightened after The Times reported last week on a second provocative flag flown at an Alito property.

The fact that Martha-Ann Alito is a right wing nutjob is probably not news, but when the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice does this in a scenario where there has been an attempted insurrection two weeks prior, this is, particularly given that by the standard canons of judicial ethics, back to the witch burning judge that Alito is so fond of quoting, this justifies a recusal, and Alito is refusing to do so. (Slso, Alito is lying about the time line, but that's just powdered sugar on the donut)


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