03 March 2024

Quote of the Day

I Said My Plan Is to Come to Your House with a Gun and Shoot You and Take Your Motorcycle, that's my plan.
—Kara Swisher on the New Yorker Radio Hour, about how she responded to a Silly Con Valley billionaire, who detailed his climate "Brilliant" climate apocalypse, and asked her what her plan was.

Here's the bit with the leadup: (and some minor editing for clarity)

David Remnick:
Everybody else is stupid that this is psychology as well as an emerging politics. Talk about what that politics is in 2024 and who's got it.
Kara Swisher:

It's literally people who are safe and rich and are unaffected and will be building that little castle in the sky that they're going to fly to when the rest of us are choking down here and they know better.

You're wrong. You've done it wrong. The media's done it wrong, the government's done it wrong. We know better.

When they have lives full of mistakes, they just paper them over.

They have such a cynical view of people and ultimately I don't think they like people.

David Remnick:
Arguably the worst problem we face is is climate change.

Is technology going to have a magic wand for that?
Kara Swisher

And my fear is their plan is to [abandon the rest of us].

There's one. I'm not going to say who it is, but one of these guys told me their plan for ecological collapse, like the apocalypse


They had a motorcycle at their house, a speedy motorcycle that would get them to their place in Big Sur And and they told me where it was.

You know, like that it's here and it's got a bunker. It goes down. It locks this, I've got this food. I've got this.


They had everything. They had a garden. They had the whole water, blah, blah, blah, blah, electricity generator. And they said, "What's your plan?"

And I said my plan is to come to your house with a gun and shoot you and take your motorcycle. That's my plan, and I'll invite all my friends.


I could hear the click, click, click in their head, like, how am I going to stop this lesbian with a gun? What am I going to do? Because they're pretty good with guns, those lesbians. And you could hear it.

He was like, "That was a contingency I hadn't thought of."

Here is the whole interview embedded:


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