08 February 2024

Yeah, It is GM

It really is too much to expect consistency and competence, so we are seeing GM Reversing itself and bringing back hybrids 5 years after it made the initial decision.

They saw the growth numbers in EVs and wanted to get ahead of them, but neglected to consider that it was coming from a nearly non-existent base, and that sales would eventually stop growing at double digit rates.

General Motors was one of the first to foray into plug-in hybrids, but it abandoned them amid the hype for electric vehicles. Now that automakers are running up against the current limits of EV demand though, they're looking for other ways to curb fleet emissions. In GM's case, that way is an about-face and return to PHEVs after completely dismissing their potential just a few years ago.

"Our forward plans include bringing our plug-in hybrid technology to select vehicles in North America," said GM CEO Mary Barra during a Q4 earnings call transcribed by Automotive News. Barra added that GM still aimed to eliminate its light-duty vehicles' emissions by 2035, but said that hybrids will fill in the gaps where needed "from a compliance perspective." She didn't specify which segments they may occupy, but going by GM's history, they'll probably be brilliantly engineered and utterly neglected by marketing. So, get ready to scoop up a 2026 Chevy Volt PHEV or whatever instead of a used Blazer EV.

This is corporate speak for we f%$#ed up big time.

There has also been a spate of bad news regarding EVs, or more specifically Tesla lately, even when ignoring Musk's clown like (Pennywise, not Bozo) antics.

Tesla has had persistent problems with fit and finish, over-promising and under-delivering, low reliability, and flat out lying to customers.

Also, their recent price cuts have decimated retail values for all EVs.

I do think that electric cars are the future, but I think that this future is further away than people thought a few years ago.


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