16 February 2024

Headline of the Day

IT Body Proposes That AI Pros Get Leashed and Licensed to Uphold Ethics
The Register

I did not notice it so much in the late 1990s, though the existence of F%$#ed Company obviously implied a non-trivial level of fraud in the Dotcom Bubble.

We really need to start frog marching the tech fraudsters out of their offices in handcuffs.

Leashing and licensing is not enough.

Creating a register of licensed AI professionals to uphold ethical standards and securing whistleblowing channels to call out bad management are two policies that could prevent a Post Office-style scandal.

As an aside, the, "Post Office Scandal," occurred when the UK post office was sold defective accounting software by Fujitsu, resulting in almost a thousand prosecutions of local postmasters as a result.

Seriously, pencil and paper.  It just works.

So says industry body BCS – formerly the British Computer Society – which reckons licenses based on an independent framework of ethics would promote transparency among software engineers and their bosses.

"We have a register of doctors who can be struck off," said Rashik Parmar MBE, CEO at BCS. "AI professionals already have a big role in our life chances, so why shouldn't they be licensed and registered too?"
Because the licensing will be run by the same professionals who would, it won't mean anything.

Screw the leashes and licenses, make them personally liable for their own fraud.

Spay and neuter your AI programmers.


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