27 January 2024

Well, This is Fucking Reassuring

What do you do when a crucial material for healthcare and technology is in short supply

What if the largest stockpile of this material is federally on an operated?

Why you privatize it, of course, so that a private entity, driven by private profit motives and the demands of Wall Street bankers,can it take control and manipulate the supply and price.

I am referring, of course, to the last of the national helium reserve, which is due to be auctioned off.

As an ironic side note, it should be noted that helium is the second most common substance in the universe.

Helium has a number of applications for which it is literally irreplaceable.

Most notably, it's use in super cooling objects such as superconducting magnets for things like MRI machines and in the manufacturer of microchips make it a crucial strategic material.

Of course, this didn't matter when President Bill Clinton got the Helium Privatization Act passed in 1996. 

Privatizing, and financializing, government assets and government functions was kind of his thing.

Well that, and putting Black and Brown people in jail in record numbers.

Well that, and repealing Glass-Steagall, leading to an orgy of largely unprosecuted fraud by the Wall Street banisters.

Well that, and sanctioning a decades long witch hunt against gays in the military with, "Don't ask, don't tell."

I'm beginning to don't like the Monty Python "Spanish Inquisition" sketch.

Posted via mobile.


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