09 November 2023

Local Pol Goes Full Maryland

Former Baltimore, Maryland States Attorney Maryland Mosby was found guilty of 2 counts of perjury.

She lied on forms to get Covid relief to buy a home in Florida.

Before that, then Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh was convicted of corruption charges related to selling her self-published children's book.

Before that, then Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon was convicted of corruption charges related to stealing over $3,000 in gift cards intended for poor families.

Do you see a thread here?  I do.

It's all incredibly skeevy, and incredibly low rent.

This is some seriously low rent corruption.

I get that the state that gave us Spiro Agnew, Marvin Mandel, Ruthann Aron, and Stevenson Archer can't always swing for the fences, but lately this has been some pretty penny-ante corruption.

Step up your game.  At least 6 figures, or, as in the case of Aron, hire a hitman.

Dixon, Pugh, and Mosby are an affront to Maryland's proud history of corruption.

The next corrupt pol needs to bring their A-game.


Anonymous said...

Soon a Baltimore pol will be arrested for stealing a Hershey's bar. Make a local stop, lift a little shop, get down tonight!

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