03 September 2023

Rule 34, No Exceptions

This time, it is clowns that figure in the fetish hit parade.

About the only thing that could make this more squicky is if the person in question was also into furries and Amway salesmen:

Students alleged that a now former Nicholls State University assistant geography professor with a self-described clown “fetish” asked them to paint their own faces or to let him paint them, according to reports from The Nicholls Worth student newspaper and USA Today.

The Nicholls Worth has received confirmed reports from multiple students who allege that [Joseph] Tokosh had them paint their faces in clown or other white makeup styles, an activity Tokosh once posted was a ‘fetish’ of his,” the student publication reported March 27 in a story headlined "Geography professor suspended immediately, students allege sexual harassment." The Louisiana university said it had suspended him on March 25.



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