18 August 2023

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

You may be familiar with James Woods.

He is a twice Oscar nominated actor.

He is very talented, but since the early to mid 1990s, he has been method acting his role as Roy Cohn, the corrupt scumbag lawyer and political fixer in the movie Citizen Cohn in real life.

Really, he's been channeling Roy Cohn for decades.

He's gone off the deep end, becoming a major MAGAt, and endorsing Donald Trump.

So, you could have knocked me over with a plaster of paris bagel and cream cheese paperweight when I discovered that even Woods is sick and tired of Elon Musk's bullsh%$:

So, Elon has become too f%$#ing unreasonable, and too f%$#ing incompetent, for James f%$#ing Woods? 

What the f%$#ing f%$#?

The guy who spends hit time on Twitter railing against immigration, the decline of society, the LGBTQ, and Black people, is sick and tired of Elon Musk, a guy who spends hit time on Twitter railing against immigration, the decline of society, the LGBTQ, and Black people.

We live in strange times.


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