28 August 2023

Snark of the Day

Vivek was two years behind me, and I didn’t know him, which is a little strange given that we were both college Republicans and we were both obnoxious little sh%$s.
Josh Barrow

(%$ mine)

Mr. Barrow noted that his antipathy toward Vivek Ramaswamy was that he was a, section guy

That guy in your discussion section who adores the sound of his own voice, who thinks he’s the smartest person on the planet with the most interesting and valuable interpretations of the course material, and who will not ever, ever, ever shut up.

I did not encounter this much in engineering school, the classes tended to be large lecture formats, and the small sections were typically things like labs or a TA describing computer programming or the like.

My first two years though, when I did a liberal arts curriculum at Hampshire College, I did encounter the section guy, in one case, in a creative writing course, the professor.

Or maybe I was the section guy.  I hope not. (OK, maybe during the journalism course, and in political cafeteria discussions, and in ……… OK, I probably was that guy, I am that guy, but I am not running for office.)


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