21 August 2023

Out Main Stream Media Adoration of Racism

Tru Dat
One of the things that you hear from many of the VSPs among the punditry is that they are shocked at how far Rudolph "America's Nightmare" Giuliani has fallen since his days in Gracie Mansion.

"Where," they ask, "Is that steady hand we saw on 9/11?" (By which they mean the guy who put the emergency response offices in the World Trade Center as a political payback.)

The truth is, he never existed.  They thought that he did because he was tough to minorities and the poor, and they like bullies so long as the leopard does not eat their faces:

On Monday, Rudy Giuliani was indicted in Georgia for his role in what prosecutors called a conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in that state.


It is not hard to find commentators asking a simple question about the events of the past few years: What happened to Rudy Giuliani? How did “America’s mayor” — the man who rocketed to national fame after the Sept. 11 attacks — come to disgrace and debase himself in defense of Donald Trump? Why would Giuliani, the archetypal tough-on-crime and law-and-order politician, embrace a lawless effort to “stop the steal”?

It’s an understandable question, but it starts from a mistaken premise. It assumes there’s something different about Giuliani — that there was, at some point, a decisive break in Giuliani’s personality or political beliefs that placed him on his current trajectory. But there wasn’t. The line from “America’s mayor” to indicted co-conspirator is a straight one. The answer to What happened to Rudy Giuliani? is Nothing happened. He is the same man he’s always been.


Giuliani never acknowledged or condemned the racism of the police riot. And why would he? His performance galvanized supporters and almost certainly contributed to his narrow victory over Dinkins in his rematch with the incumbent mayor in 1993.

What does any of this have to do with the Rudy Giuliani of 2023? Well, if we think of Giuliani as the personification of American resilience in the face of terrorism, then his turn against democracy and the rule of law is bewildering and inexplicable. But if we think of Giuliani as the scowling demagogue who stoked the flames of chauvinism and racial hatred against New York’s first Black mayor for his own gain, then there’s little other than his carefully crafted image in the press that separates the Giuliani of ’92 from the Giuliani of ’23.

Rudy Giuliani has always been a racist corrupt stupid dirt-bag.

That the pundits are only noticing it now says nothing about the former mayor, but says a lot, none of it good, about the aforementioned pseudo-intellectual meat-heads.


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