05 July 2023

This Is How It’s Done!

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers just took his rather extensive line-item veto powers to the state budget that the Republican legislature passed.

You see, the budget called for a $325 per student per year increase inrevenue raised for Wisconsin schools, and the honorable Tony Evers took a program that was to continue through the 2024-25 school year, and struck 3 characters, making the program continue through the year 2425.  (2024-25, get it?)

This is how you deal with rat-f%$#ers, you f%$# them back:

Gov. Tony Evers, a former public school educator, used his broad partial veto authority this week to sign into law a new state budget that increases funding for public schools for the next four centuries.

The surprise move will ensure districts' state-imposed limits on how much revenue they are allowed to raise will be increased by $325 per student each year until 2425, creating a permanent annual stream of new revenue for public schools and potentially curbing a key debate between Democrats and Republicans during each state budget-writing cycle.

Evers told reporters at a press conference in the Wisconsin State Capitol on Wednesday his action would "provide school districts with predictable long-term increases for the foreseeable future."

Evers crafted the four-century school aid extension by striking a hyphen and a "20" from a reference to the 2024-25 school year. The increase of $325 per student is the highest single-year increase in revenue limits in state history.


Under the budget plan, Wisconsin schools would receive about $1 billion in additional revenue over the next two years alone through a mix of new funding and property tax increases as part of lawmakers' budget action and a separate agreement between Evers and GOP lawmakers on local government funding.

Lawmakers agreed to include in the state budget an additional $778.5 million in state funding while also allowing school districts to raise the rest through property tax increases. Included in the plan sent to Evers was $534.3 million more in general school aid and an increase of $650 per student in state-imposed limits on how much revenue schools are allowed to raise over the two years of the state budget. Evers' action raises general school aid and makes the latter increase permanent.

He also vetoed Republican tax cuts, draconian cuts to the University of Wisconsin DEI programs, earmarks that were put in by (largely Republican) legislators.

Obviously, this is Wisconsin, and Wisconsin is not Illinois, and the state capitol is Madison, which is not Chicago (I know that the Illinois state capitol is Springfield), but I think that Governor Evers has taken Sean Connery's advice from The Untouchables:

They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way!

Republicans, particularly the rat-f%$#s in Wisconsin are not the opposition, they are the enemy.  


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