This mindlessly bellicose fascist supporting bullsh%$ needs to stop, and honestly, I think that it's worse under Biden and Obama than it was under Bush (Ignoring the Iraq War) and Trump (Whose support of Fascism was primarily in the domestic sphere)
Case in point, Biden just nominated Elliot Abrams to the US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.
If you want a quick rundown of Abrams' greatest hits, we have:
- Criminal conviction of lying to Congress.
- Supported genocidal death squads, particularly in Latin America. (He also knew that these death squads were smuggling drugs into the US)
- Supported the rape and murder of American nuns.
- Cheerled the Iraq war.
I need to note on the last bullet point, this position has to be a Republican, and all the Republicans supported the Iraq war.
Seriously, it seems that the US foreign policy apparatus has read Publius Cornelius Tacitus' condemnation of the brutality and tyranny of Roman empire, "Auferre Trucidare Rapere Falsis Nominibus Imperium, Atque Ubi Solitudinem Faciunt, Pacem Appellant, ("To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.) and have decided to set it as their North Star.
Unfortunately, this will lead to nothing but failure, as it did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, etc.
Why the hell did President Joe Biden nominate a one-time protector of war criminals to a top administration post?
On the Monday before July 4—a black hole day for news—the White House let drop the word that it was appointing Elliott Abrams to the bipartisan US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The commission’s job is to oversee US government information programs designed to convey American diplomacy to the world. It keeps an eye on the US Agency for Global Media, which manages the Voice of America and similar programs. The commission essentially helps the United States present its idea of itself to the rest of the planet.
This is a task for which Abrams is distinctly unsuited.
Long a stalwart in neoconservative circles, Abrams was one of the many cheerleaders in the early 2000s for the disastrous Iraq War. A decade earlier, in 1991, as a player in the Iran–Contra affair, he pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress about the Reagan White House’s secret operation to arm the Nicaraguan Contras. In short: As a top State Department official, he engaged in a cover-up to hide the arguably illegal operation overseen by Oliver North.………
The machinations behind this latest and inexplicable Abrams nomination have not yet become public. It could well be that Republicans were allowed to pick a Republican nominee for the commission. But Abrams’ ignoble past is no secret. Certainly, Biden is old enough and sharp enough to remember his transgressions. Yet his White House is handing a plum job and responsibility for overseeing US public diplomacy to a guy who promoted a catastrophic war, who misled Congress, and who lied and wheedled to aid and protect murderous human-rights abusers. As far as I can see, Abrams has not apologized for any of this.
I have long assumed that eventually the uninterrupted record of the US Foreign Policy "Blob" would result in lessons learned, if not among the Council on Foreign Relations crowd, than at least among the elected political leaders who take their counsel.
I was misinformed.
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