10 May 2023

What F%$#ing Tool!!

Seth Moultin, the corporate stooge Congressman from Massachusetts, (New Democrat Caucus, AKA Blue Dog Lite) just said something outrageous enough that got Taiwan saying that they might fire on US bombers in the event of a Chinese invasion.

As Anna Russel would say, "I'm not making this up, you know."

It seems that the "distinguished" gentleman from the Commonwealth (God Save It) of Massachusetts was at an event hosted by the Milken Institution where he said that the US should threaten to bomb the TSMC chip fabs.

Even if this were the plan, it would not be something that a not particularly powerful member of Congress should bring up at a think tank talk:

On Monday, Taiwan’s Minister for National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng (邱國正), made a statement about the nation’s territorial integrity. According to the Taiwan News, the Taiwanese minister said that the island’s armed forces would not tolerate any U.S. attempts to destroy TSMC in the event of a war with China. Normally the war of words is heated where Taiwan and China are concerned, but Taiwan and the U.S. are besties, so what is going on?

The geopolitical tensions between the U.S., Taiwan, and China are fundamentally confusing with various principles, understandings, ambiguities, and policies meaning different things to the different parties. We are accustomed to seeing the U.S and Taiwan as allies, but perhaps a recent assertion by U.S. Congressman Seth Moulton has overstepped the mark.

On the topic of U.S. chip policy and China, Moulton recently told political conference-goers that "the U.S. should make it very clear to the Chinese that if you invade Taiwan, we're going to blow up TSMC.” Openly talking about these policies seems to be frowned upon in Taiwan, as made clear by the Defense Minister Chiu’s statement in response to Taiwan media questioning on Monday.

The Taiwanese minister made it clear to reporters that the armed forces are responsible for defending Taiwan (and its people, materials, and strategic resources) from any aggression, regardless of the source. “If they want to bomb this or that," the armed forces will not tolerate it, asserted Chiu.
One of the committees that this moron is on is the, "United States House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party," which strongly implies that said committee is pretty much a joke.

Could someone please primary this jerk?


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