12 April 2023

Speaking of State Reps Being Expelled

Republican State Representative Liz Harris was expelled by the Republican controlled Arizona House of Representatives.

In this case, it was justified, because she knowingly brought a false witness to a hearing to claim that members of the state legislature, the Governor, members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, a number of Maricopa County Judges, the Mayor of Mesa, and the Mormon Church took bribes from the Sinaloa drug cartel.

Part of the testimony was apparently supposed to support the Representative's rabid (Even by Arizona Standards[!]) election denialism.

But Her Emails!!!!

At the time Harris claimed that she did not know that the witness was a liar, going so far as making this assertion to the Arizona House Ethics Committee, but her emails and other communications revealed that she had extensive knowledge of what the witness was going to say, and had repeatedly refused to provide any information about the witness to staff or colleagues before the hearing.

It appears to have been a part of a strategy to draw attention and support for her whack-doodle conspiracy theories.

Attempting to blackmail her colleagues is a pretty good reason to give her the boot:

The Arizona House of Representatives voted to expel Rep. Liz Harris, R-Chandler after an ethics probe that found Harris engaged in “disorderly behavior” for bringing a guest to a public hearing who falsely accused lawmakers of taking bribes from a drug cartel.

An expulsion, which is the most extreme punishment the Legislature can impose on one of its members, takes a two-thirds vote and last occurred in 2018. The bipartisan vote was 46-13 in favor, with one member not voting.

House Speaker Ben Toma, R-Glendale, introduced the resolution for Harris' expulsion. He was one of the lawmakers accused of taking bribes from the Sinaloa cartel.

The resolution referred to the Ethics Committee report, released April 11, which found that Harris lied when she told the committee that she didn't know what her guest, Jacqueline Breger, would say at a Feb. 23 presentation to a joint House and Senate Election Committee.


The ethics probe, which began after an official complaint was filed by Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, D-Tucson, focused on whether Harris knew that Breger's presentation would include the bribery allegations. The Ethics Committee concluded that she did know and actively worked to hide the presentation details from the Legislature.

She is not a lawyer, but you don't have to be to understand that she was suborning perjury.


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