08 March 2023

This is Positively Brilliant

@pearlmania500 Honestly circuit city going under was a net positive for all my friends income. #circuitcity #grift #recession #elonmusk #twitter #pearlmania500 #itsgettingworse #resume #2009 ♬ original sound - Alex Pearlman

Sorry about the autoplay, it's a Tiktok thing

You really should watch the whole video, it's only 3 minutes long, but here is the nickel tour:

  • During the great recession, a large number of people had holes in their resumes, and so were consigned to low wage menial jobs.
  • Around the same time, Circuit City (Best Buy, but red instead of blue) imploded, leaving nothing by a greasy smear.
  • This meant that there was no way for anyone to verify employment through Circuit City 1 HR, because there was no Circuit City HR any more.
  • So, if you put in your resume that you had been a floor manager at Circuit City for 4 years, there was no way for anyone to prove your wrong, so you could get a more senior, and more remunerative, position.

So, Mr. Perlman juxtaposed this with what is going on at Twitter, specifically the recent event where Elon Musk mocked an employee with Muscular Dystrophy ("Jerry's Kids) after he was unable to talk to anyone at HR after he was locked out of his computer.

The nickel tour of this is as follows:

  • Senior Director of Product Design Haraldur Ingi "Halli" Þorleifsson (Thorleifsson) was suddenly locked out of his work computer, but could not get a response from HR, so he asked on Twitter.
  • Elon Musk, mocked him as a slacker, and told him that he, "Did no actual work, [and] claimed as his excuse that he had a disability that prevented him from typing," and informed him that of course he was fired.
  • It turns out that Þorleifsson had his job as a part of the sale of his very successful technical design firm, Ueno, and in lieu of a payment for the firm, he got his job at Twitter, in part because Halli wanted to pay taxes in Iceland at the higher wage rate and be a good citizen.
  • It turns out that by firing Mr Þorleifsson, they breached the contract, and now Twitter owes him $100,000,000.00.. (Insert Dr. Evil finger gestur)
  • Elon apologizes, and says that he can come back to work.  (He's not sincere, he's never sincere, but he does not want to pay that money)

So, back to Alex Pearlman and the Circuit City Grift.

You see, Mr. Perlman realized that Twitter does not have a functioning human resources department either, which means that if you have any sort of technical background, you can engage in the Twitter Grift, and claim that you spent the past 4 years working at Twitter as the assistant director of ad sales, or in user interface design, or whatever.

Bada-bing, bada-boom, you go from bussing tables for a living to a tech position that pays much better.

This is pure genius.

H/T DC at SP.


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