12 March 2023

I Am Asking for Help With Units and Measures

I am shopping with Sharon, and she has NPR on.  It seems that the entirety of national public radio news today is discussions amongst self-absorbed pretentious people about who their favorite Oscar nominees are.

I cannot honestly say that I give zero f$#@s about tonight's Academy Awards, but my level of interest in the entire extravaganza is so small as to make me wonder what unit f$#@s are measured in, and what is the smallest unit of measure for a f$#@s.

I think that my level of interest might be 18 femtof$#@s, but I am unsure if this is the correct measure, and if we possess the technology to measure f$#@s at that small size.

Perhaps science can measure down to that level using some sort of ultraviolet interferometry technology.

It behooves me right now to make it clear that this level of f$#@s is about the awards, and not the red carpet, or the dress is worn upon said red carpet.

I do in fact give zero f$#@s About that, so I have achieved absolute zero f$#@s.

Posted by a mobile.


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