19 February 2023

It's Gone, MacReady

Roll Tape!

One of the things that gives me pleasure is to invoke, obscure, and not so obscure, movie lines when I get the chance.

Today, we were shopping for ingredients for from-scratch spaghetti sauce.

One of the ingredients that we needed was Oregano, so

Sharon* sent me to the spice aisle to get some, but there was none there.  None of the regular stuff, none of the organic stuff, nada.

Apparently, it had all been taken by a ravening band of pasta chefs.

So I went back to Sharon*, and I said, "It's gone, MacReady," and she said, "No oregano at all," and I said, "It's GONE!"

Having the opportunity to quote from John Carpenter's classic SF/Horror movie The Thing made my f$#ing day.

It all ended well, because they had some fresh Oregano in produce, so it's all good.

*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.


Quasit said...

And she got the reference? You're a lucky man!

Matthew Saroff said...

No, she did not get the ferernece. She has not seen the movie.

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