29 December 2022

Why the Vikings Scared the Hell out of Europe for 500 Years

The Norsemen were known as fierce and implacable warriors, we can see that in one of their descendents, Greta Thunberg.

There was a little spat on Twitter between the young anthropogenic climate change activist and former professional kickboxer and generally dodgy character Andrew Tate:

Ms. Thunberg would have to sack a monastery to get anymore Viking.

FWIW, she stopped there, because she knew that it was time to drop the microphone.

Unfortunately for Mr. Tate, the rest of the Twitterverse smelled blood in the water, and went into a feeding frenzy, and Andrew attempted to continue to fight on a battlefield that was already lost:

Oh snap!

It appears that among other things, Karma is a 19 year old descdendent of Vikings on the autism spectrum.

I've not heard good things about Romanian prisons.


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