08 November 2022

National Election Results

I'm not sure how it is going to turn out in terms of control of the House and Senate, but it is going to be close, nothing at all like Barack Obama's 2010 bloodbath.  This is not a wave election.

What we do know now, at least according to the New York Times, is as follows:

In the Senate :

  • John Fetterman (D) is leading Dr. Oz,(R-Snake Oil) and it's likely that he wins in Pennsylvania.
  • Ron Johnson (R- Incumbent) is likely to beat Mandela Barnes(D), once again showing how they elected Joe McCarthy all those years ago.
  • Raphael Warnock (D-Incumbent) has a thin margin (less than 1%) over Hershel Walker (R-CTE) with over 90% of the vote counted.
  • In Arizona, Mark Kelly (D-Incumbent) has a significant lead over Peter Thiel toady Blake Masters.
  • In Nevada, Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Incumbent) has a decent lead over Adam Laxalt (R) with less than half the vote counted.
  • In Ohio, it looks like Trump hater turned Trump fluffer J.D. Vance (R-Hypocrisy) has beaten Tim Ryan (D).  Ryan was trying to run as a weak tea Democrat.

In the House of Representatives, it looks like Republicans may be taking over the body.  The only races worth noting right now are Colorado's 3rd district, where incumbent Lauren Boebert (R-Lunacy) is slightly down to Adam Frisch (D), and may lose her seat.  Unfortunately, Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Steroid Abuse) is handily winning her reelection bid.

In the Maryland elections for US House of Representatives, though Andy Harris (R-Incumbent) has beaten Heather Mizeur (D) by 23%.  I do not expect the Eastern Shore (CD-1) to go Democratic, but this is embarrassing,  Meanwhile in the 6th district, incumbent Democrat David Trone is in a very tight race with Republican David Parrott.

Not going to drown any sorry in alcohol just yet.


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