06 October 2022

Why Not Both?

In a leak from anonymous,  "Federal agents investigating President Biden’s son Hunter," there is sufficient evidence for him to be indicted for tax evasion and lying on a gun permit application.

I don't know if this is true, FBI agents frequently leak reports of half-finished investigations the press in an attempt to pressure prosecutors to file.

I think that the DoJ should indict Hunter Biden and Donald Trump on the same day.

What's more they should ask for them both to be held without bail.

I think that Hunter Biden would tolerate a few days in jail fairly, well, but that Donald Trump would dissolve like Edgar Allen Poe character Ernest Valdemar:

I was thoroughly unnerved, and for an instant remained undecided what to do. At first I made an endeavor to re-compose the patient; but, failing in this through total abeyance of the will, I retraced my steps and as earnestly struggled to awaken him. In this attempt I soon saw that I should be successful — or at least I soon fancied that my success would be complete — and I am sure that all in the room were prepared to see the patient awaken.

For what really occurred, however, it is quite impossible that any human being could have been prepared.

As I rapidly made the mesmeric passes, amid ejaculations of “dead! dead!” absolutely bursting from the tongue and not from the lips of the sufferer, his whole frame at once — within the space of a single minute, or even less, shrunk — crumbled — absolutely rotted away beneath my hands. Upon the bed, before that whole company, there lay a nearly liquid mass of loathsome — of detestable putrescence.
Not gonna happen, but I can dream.


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