30 August 2022

Police Nazis. I hate Police Nazis.

In Omaha, Nebraska, police decided to swap weapons with a Nazi gun shop

Since the SPLC has revealed the transaction, this has all been put on hold.

A gear swap between the Omaha Police Department and local gun range 88 Tactical that was set to be approved by the Omaha City Council was removed from the council's consent agenda before Tuesday's meeting.

Just so you know, "88" = "HH" = Heil Hitler, and the good folks at 88 tactical have a bunker, a Nazi eagle on the front of their building, and there are Nazi and Neo-Nazi symbols throughout their lair.

The proposal had drawn heavy criticism on social media and prompted a letter from a local anti-gun group.

The proposal from Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer would have had the Omaha Police Department swap 28 expired ballistic helmets and 28 rifle plates in exchange for 120 Coyote AR magazines, 60 Glock 17 magazines and 30 orange Glock magazine base plates from 88 Tactical.

This swap is a sweetheart deal, intended to offer a support for a Nazi operation.


The OPD item was tabled "for further discussion and consideration," said Lt. Neal Bonacci, a department spokesman. He said he did not know when or if it might appear on the agenda again.


"The deal offered by 88 Tactical was the most beneficial to the department and would allow us to obtain needed equipment at no additional cost to taxpayers," Bonacci said.

Yeah, right, it was a good deal for the taxpayers. 


In her memo, she estimated that the city's items were worth about $11,000, while the ammunition they would receive in exchange was valued at about $2,550.

Yeah, a great deal for the taxpayer.

The cops were doing a favor for their Nazi buddy who is closely linked to police training initiatives.


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