14 July 2022

Italian Government Falls Over Trash Incinerator

At least there is symmetry
Prime Minister Mario Draghi has offered his resignation as offered his resignation in response to a failed confidence vote.

Given that the current Italian government is a dumpster fire, it is ironic that it failed largely as a result of disput over the construction of a trash incerator in Rome:

Italy hit a period of dizzying political turbulence Thursday, with Prime Minister Mario Draghi saying he would resign and make way for a new government, only for the country’s president to reject Draghi’s resignation and ask him to reassess whether he can hold a majority together.

President Sergio Mattarella invited Draghi back to Parliament next week, a request that will touch off days of backroom negotiations among parties and potentially lead to some peacemaking — or a more decisive rupture.

Draghi for 17 months has been a rare unifying force in Italian politics, commanding a wide left-to-right backing. But that unity has faltered as pandemic concerns have been replaced by inflation, record drought and war in Europe — and as some political parties perceive they might fare better in early elections.

Draghi has really been a rare unifying force.  He's been Brussels' man in Rome, installed largely at the EU's instigation.

The former President of the European Central Bank is there to enforce austerity.


Even if Italy pieces together a solution, it’s for the short term. Draghi was always a placeholder leader, though one with significant clout, and Italy has to hold general elections by the early months of next year. The early-stage electioneering has already widened the wedges between the parties in Draghi’s coalition, and the tensions broke out into the open Thursday.

Italy was pushed to the brink not by a global or national crisis but by a debate over a proposed trash incinerator in Rome.

“Absurd,” said Roberto D’Alimonte, a political science professor at Luiss Guido Carli University.

Senators from one of the biggest parties in Draghi’s coalition — the Five Star Movement — boycotted a confidence motion ostensibly because it was linked to a bill that contained a provision for the incinerator, a project the party opposes on environmental grounds. Other politicians have called it a solution to an urgent — and putrid — problem in a city that has become synonymous with haphazard trash collection, overflowing dumpsters and seagulls that swoop in to feast on the rubbish.

 There is probably a better metaphor here, but I will leave that to my reader(s).


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