I do not know what possessed some Japanese scientists to create a robotic finger in human skin, but I do not like it on bit.
I do not like it with a bat,
I do not like it with a cat,
I do no like it here of there,
I do not like it anywhere.
Roboticists from the University of Tokyo have taken a tiny step toward creating the Terminator. They’ve built an articulated robot finger that’s seamlessly covered in living human skin.Because nothing says, "Not creepy," like a covering of human skin.
There are many reasons why our current attempts to build humanoid robots with lifelike appearances always seem to end up somewhere in the uncanny valley, where their imperfect resemblance to real human beings invokes a strong negative emotional reaction from us. The way a humanoid robot moves certainly contributes to its not-quite-right appearance, but more often than not it’s the artificial materials used to recreate human skin that make humanoids especially creepy.
So we can either continue to work on improving artificial skin to make it more believable, or admit that there will never be a substitute and just use the real thing. That’s the route this team of researchers from the University of Tokyo has chosen, and in a recently published paper in the journal Matter, they detail a new approach for seamlessly wrapping a robotic finger in living skin tissue.
Seriously, this is a very bad idea.
I do not know how this will go wrong, but it will go wrong, and it won't be pretty.
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