30 May 2022


OK, I understand the idea of protests, but I think that smearing cake on the bullet proof glass protective cover of the Mona Lisa is not an effective tactic.

A man dressed as an old woman in a wheelchair to get close, and then launched his assault.

Listen. Strange men play acting in wheel chairs smearing baked goods on glass is no basis for a meaningful protest.  Effective protest derives from direct action to address the problem, not from some farcical culinary ceremony.*

We live in strange times:

A 36-year-old man has been arrested and placed in psychiatric care after he smeared a glass screen encasing the Mona Lisa with cake in a purported protest against artists not focusing enough on “the planet”.


A Twitter user identified as Lukeee posted a video showing a museum employee wiping a mess off the glass and another showing a man dressed in white being escorted away by security guards.

A man dressed as an old lady jumps out of a wheelchair and attempted to smash the bulletproof glass of the Mona Lisa. Then proceeds to smear cake on the glass and throws roses everywhere, all before being tackled by security,” Lukeee wrote.

Speaking French, the man in the video says: “There are people who are destroying the Earth … All artists, think about the Earth. That’s why I did this. Think of the planet.”

This reminds me of the eternal question, "How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

The answer, of course is 2:  One to put the jackhammer in the bathtub, and the other to paint the giraffe.

*Yes, this is a Monty Python reference.


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