29 May 2022

A Forever Story

Over at Vox, they have a story titled, "WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann’s carbon credit crypto project sounds like a scam within a scam."

Not to be one to state the obvious,* but EVERY article that includes the phrase, "WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann," is about some sort of a scam.

Neumann is a bunco artist, and not a particularly convincing one.

The fact that he has not been charged with fraud is a mark of  the dysfunction of our criminal justice system.

Other stories that you know what they will be about once you get to a listing of the people involved:

  • Congress + gun control = nothing happens.
  • Congress + anthropogenic climate change = nothing happens.
  • The Senate + filibuster = nothing happens.
  • The Supreme Court + campaign finance = legalizing bribery.
  • Republicans + LGBTQ = hate.
  • Tesla + self driving = dead people.
  • Blockchain = scam.

I'm sure that there are a few others that my reader(s) could add below.

*OK, I am one to state the obvious. It's a term of art.


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