12 February 2022

Upon Merging, They Will Form a Black Hole of Poor Customer Service That Will Rival Comcast

Have you heard that Spirit and Frontier airlines are merging?

We are about to encounter new lows in customer service:

In a million ways big and small, the pandemic shook up the travel industry. Apparently seeing some opportunity amid all the turbulence, the nation’s two largest so-called ultralow-cost airlines agreed to merge to form what will become the fifth-largest airline in the United States.


Both Spirit and Frontier reported losses over the past two years, at least when excluding special items like the federal dollars that went to all U.S. airlines as part of the COVID-19 relief packages. Depressed demand for flights during the pandemic hammered airlines across the board.

One way Spirit and Frontier seem to be aligned is not giving much of a crap about customer service. According to data from the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Frontier and Spirit have the airline industry’s lowest customer satisfaction ratings. Department of Transportation statistics have also consistently ranked Frontier and Spirit at or near the bottom of the industry for rates of passenger complaints.

Seriously, regulators should refuse permission for the merger, if just because this will end up with too much evil in one place.


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