22 February 2022

A Bad Day at the Office

That can't be good

In late January, an F-35C crashed while attempting to land on the USS Carl Vinson in the South China Sea, sliding off the deck and sinking in thousands of feet of water, triggering a race to recover the aircraft with the Chinese. (the pilot was recovered successfully)

Video of the accident has been shared online, and now 4 chiefs and an ensign have been brought up on charges over the leak.

Regardless of the circumstances of the leak, the video is rather compelling.



Cthulhu said...

Saw Marine F-4 Phantom do the same thing back in the 80s. The round down on the aft end of the ship is unforgiving.
And "Fire! Fire, fire, fire, Fire on the Flight Deck!" Is NOT something you want to hear on the deck of the USS Forrestal.

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