09 January 2022

They are F%$#ing Insane

So we now have Republicans claiming that libraries are evil, because ……… OK, I cannot parse this argument.  I think that it may come down to owning the liberals:


And this week, right-wing congressional candidate Heidi St. John displayed a hatred for libraries that's only rivaled by the fictional residents of Pawnee, Indiana.

In a wildly bigoted rant painting trans people as predators, St. John told the crowd:
"The public libraries are disastrous. They're actually evil organizations now, because they're run by the American Library Association, which is a wicked organization at its root. And so, I turned in my library card years ago, and for a homeschool mom to turn in her library card, it has to be pretty serious, y'know?"
She claimed that library bathrooms were not safe for her children and that libraries were peddling pro-LGBTQ content to children in secret so that they would be slowly "lulled into a completely backwards way of thinking."

Just when I think that reality cannot exceed my jaded cynicism, the Republicans step it up a notch, and I am left staring at the screen with an expression on my face that looks like that of a cow that has just stepped on its own udder.


The Red Alias said...

Consider that Satan's name is "Lucifer," (bringer of light), it's fairly clear.

Many Christians feel that knowledge, literacy, and education are evil, because they enable critical thought. This cuts into their flocks of gullible sheep, and profits. So for centuries, they killed & burned people who could read, as did Cambodian tyrant Pol Pot. (Anyone with "soft hands," or wore glasses was liquidated.)(just like our African slaves who could read.)

That's the Christian ideal, dumb as dirt and ready to kill for Jebus. So of course, libraries are seen as repositories of evil. They encourage choice, a synonym for heresy.

Books distribute truth, and freedom, and must be burned to maintain church profits.

Whose thugs burned books at big rallies, the racist Austrian clown who wanted to rule the world?

Oh yeah, Reichschancellor Trump.

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