12 January 2022

Once Again, If a Charity Does Not Do Well By Its Employees, Take Your Contributions Elsewhere

Social service non-profits in New York City are suing to strike down a law that requires them not to go Attila the Hun over their workers forming unions.

The best defense against unionizing is treating your employees humanely, and if the city of New York decides that they only want to procure services that treats their employees well, that is their right:

A nonprofit umbrella group has taken the unusual step of suing the city — over a recently passed law aimed at easing the path to joining a union for staffers at social service organizations.

The Human Services Council, which represents 170 organizations in the city, contends in the lawsuit that the measure, known as Local Law 87, is a “ticking time bomb” that previous top city officials left for Mayor Eric Adams.

The legislation “cedes control over the City of New York’s social services to union leaders, period,” alleges the suit filed by HSC in Manhattan federal court late last month.


The new law requires city human service providers, like United Way and City Harvest, to enter into “labor peace” agreements with unions seeking to represent their employees. The pacts essentially mean that nonprofits won’t hinder possible votes by workers to join a union.

If you are a public charity, charity starts at home, in this case with your employees.


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