13 January 2022

Local Woman Makes Good

The Baltimore City State's Attorney (what they call DA's in Maryland) has been charged with lying on mortgage and loan documents.

One thing that has always amazed me about corruption in Maryland is how penny-ante it is. In the past few years, we have had 2 mayors convicted of corruption, the first for misusing gift certificates, and the second for selling a self-published children's book, and now we have this:

A federal grand jury has indicted Baltimore’s top prosecutor Marilyn Mosby on charges of perjury and making false statements with a series of financial transactions that helped her buy a condo on Florida’s Gulf Coast and another property near Orlando, Florida.

Mosby, 41, is charged with falsely claiming to suffer financial hardship from the coronavirus to obtain an early withdrawal from her retirement savings to purchase the homes. In addition, federal prosecutors allege she lied on a mortgage loan application by hiding an outstanding federal tax debt. And they accuse her of entering into an agreement to rent out a home she bought in Kissimmee, near Disney World, while at the same time promising not to rent the property — all to obtain a lower interest rate.

Seriously, I know that Maryland is a corrupt state, but where are today's Spiro Agnews?

That guy took hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 1960s.


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