26 January 2022

Adding to My List

Following the right wing sh%$ storm after a minor rebranding, I am adding the M&M's advertising mascots to my list of They Who Must Not Be Named.

I may continue to discuss candies, but the CGI advertising avatars that have turned into a right wing hissy fit because the Green M&M has changed footwear?  I am done with them.

The juxtaposition of right wing faux outrage and right wing foot fetishes is way past my limit.

Also, I prefer Almond Roca:

The green M&M has a new look. Not everyone is impressed.

The problem? The once-sexy cartoon candy seems to have been stripped of her mojo, some say.

In photos and videos released by candy company Mars Inc., the humanlike green M&M no longer has her signature pose—one hand on her head, and another by her hip. The peachy skin tone on her legs and arms is now a cartoonish white. And her high-heeled boots have been swapped for sneakers, which the company said reflects what people are wearing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

 This is where Rule 34 goes to die.


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