18 December 2021

More Useless F%$#ing Democrats

Virginia Democrats, having lost control of the house of delegates and the governorship, will not move on legislation making abortion legal, because doing something would get in the way of some legislators vacation plans.

I don't know why they could not have done this over the past two years (I do know, it's cowardice and careerism), but now that the Supreme Court is due to overturn Roe v. Wade, and they have only a few days to move, but that trip to Hawaii is prepaid, dude.

This is truly revolting:

Democrats have less than a month left controlling Virginia before Republicans take over the House of Delegates and the governor’s mansion. With the clock ticking, many in the party want to seize what they see as a fleeting opportunity: protecting abortion rights by codifying them into state law.

But Democratic leaders in the State Senate have dismissed the idea — and not on policy grounds or over concerns about political messaging. Several of the chamber’s members don’t want to change their vacation plans.

One senator is traveling in Africa. Others are in Europe. And the majority leader is headed to Hawaii.

“They’re not going to be able to get back; flights are booked this time of year,” the majority leader, Richard L. Saslaw, said in an interview from California, where he was en route to the Aloha State. The state’s General Assembly does not allow proxy or remote voting, and Democrats’ paper-thin majority in the State Senate requires all members to be present to pass contentious legislation.
This sort of sh%$ is why people don't believe Democrats when they say that they want to change things.  Through their actions they show themselves to be liars.


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