17 November 2021

Oh My F%$#ing FSM, It's Real

It appears that the Juneau, Alaska International Airport has a problem with hikers on its Emergency Vehicle Access Road (EVAR) trying to feed and touch the coyotes.

So they made one of the most epically memorable signs ever to remind people that wild animals are best left to their own devices.

In this case, those devices probably come from Acme Corporation:

Scott Rinkenberger installed a sign near the airport looking to both keep people safe and to make them laugh.

Now, the Juneau International Airport is getting calls every day asking about the sign.

“I’ve kind of created a little bit of a monster,” Rinkenberger, the airport superintendent, said in an interview Wednesday.

The sign warns people about coyotes in the area of the Emergency Vehicle Access Road (EVAR), which is also a popular hiking and nature viewing area. While the sign tells people not to get too close to coyotes and not to feed them, it also gives a few not-so-serious attributes of coyotes: carrying a box marked “ACME,” being in possession of a catapult or dropping an anvil from a hot air balloon, for example.

The state legislature should declare Mr. Rinkenberger, "Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico."


Stephen Montsaroff said...

It's so Alaska....

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