18 October 2021

Colin Powell Dead at 84

The official cause of death of the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State is Covid-19 Complications, but he was immune compromised as a result of treatment for multiple myeloma, so it could be considered a death from complications of that as well. 

He used his telegenic nature and his (IMHO illusory) gravitas to sell both Gulf Wars to disastrous consequences, (likely more than a million dead and counting) and as a junior officer, he looked the other way when presented with evidence of the My Lai massacre.

As to his legacy, I see it as General Officers who place managing their public image over successfully executing the mission, along with a significant amount of insubordination directed toward civilian command.

I would argue that the whole of Colin Powell's career is best described by Harry Belafonte's scathing assessment of him

In a number of ways, he is the most prominent example of the failings of the "Up or Out" policy instituted by his idol George C. Marshall, where careerism takes precedence over competence or performance.

It should be noted that the US military has not won anything remotely near a war since 1945 under this system.


Stephen Montsaroff said...

'House slave' is too quaint and predictable.

I call him "the Good German."

I wonder why Marshall instituted up or out. I too admire Marshall, which doesn't mean it wasn't a bad idea.

Matthew Saroff said...

Marshall spent his first year as Chairman of the JCS defenestrating deadwood who should have retired decades ago.

It left a serious impression on him.

Stephen Montsaroff said...

Yeah, but up and out is not good either.
It's a cheap way of not disciplining.

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