29 August 2021

A Tale of Two Religions

Pastor Daniel Darling has been fired by the Evangelical National Religious Broadcasters Association because he came out in favor of vaccination.  He was accused of "insubordination" because he said that the command to, "Love thy neighbor," including protecting your  neighbor by not spreading the disease.

In comparison, the Archdiocese of San Antonia has announced that it will not give vaccine exemptions, in accordance with Pope Francis' direction, as well as the Conference of Catholic Bishops, announcing that it was an, "An act of charity for other community members and a moral responsibility."

One of the two Christian sects has revealed itself to be more of a political play than a religion, building its brand on politics, paranoia, and prejudice.


Stephen Montsaroff said...

Ah but which is more typical.
If the Hitler Youth member or Wojtila were Pope, we’d see greater cohesion.

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