14 April 2021

New Nevada Democratic Party Leadership Raises Money Looted by Old Guard

You may recall that after reformers took over the Nevada Democratic Party, the entire staff quit, transferred much of their cash to the DSCC, took most of the remainder as severance, and quit. (The consultants quit too)

I called it an, "Own Goal," because it ended up removing ears and eyes and potential saboteurs affiliated with the old guard from the organization.  (This is a lesson that can be learned from Jeremy Corbyn and the active monkey-wrenching committed by professional staff in Labour)

Now it appears that, the Nevada Democratic Party has raised a crap-load more money than was looted by the old guard:

Just over a month after the staff of Nevada’s Democratic Party quit rather than work alongside an incoming slate of candidates backed by the local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, taking $450,000 and severance with them, the party’s new leadership has raised that money back with some to spare.

The Nevada Democrats have raised $530,000 from more than 16,500 contributions since the March 6 elections, when a progressive slate of five candidates — one incumbent and four newcomers — took over the party, beating the preferred picks of the local machine. The figure includes $100,000 raised on their own within a few weeks of the election and a boost in contributions with help from national progressive allies like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., who sent fundraising emails over the last several weeks on the party’s behalf.


When Judith Whitmer, founder and chair emeritus of Left Caucus, won the March 6 election for state party chair, her predecessors did not only almost empty the state party’s accounts, but they also funneled the money to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and notified Whitmer that all their consultants had terminated their contracts. The DSCC will use the money to support the 2022 reelection campaign of Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev. In the runup to March 6, Cortez Masto asked Whitmer to drop out of the race and approached her opponent, Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom, a Sanders ally who is more established in the state party, to run.

Don't rehire the consultants.  Instead, focus your efforts about increasing registration and turnout for likely Democratic voters.

The consultants are parasites, the old guard is useless.


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