13 July 2020

The Washington Heffalumps?

The big news out of Washington, DC today is that the Washington Redskins are finally going to change their name.

As a fan, I'll adjust, and I wholeheartedly endorse the change.

It turns out that Dan Snyder's (יש"ו) promise to keep the name forever really meant, only until it was not profitable, as Eugene Robinson so pithily noted.

I want them to be called the Hefalumps, but my reader(s) can suggest an alternate name.


Stephen Montsaroff said...

The Navajo suggested the Code Talkers.

Stephen Montsaroff said...

Personally, I think they should keep the name and change to logo...to a potato.

Matthew Saroff said...

The silly old bear of the family is eschewing a Winnie the Pooh reference?

I am disappointed.

Stephen Montsaroff said...

Are you saying I bit off more than I can eschew?

Matthew Saroff said...


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