06 July 2020

Ditch Mitch

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel, never does anything unless it presents an opportunity to screw ordinary people to favor his patrons.

Case in point, Moscow Mitch wants to take away the rights of ordinary people to benefit big business in the next stimulus package:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) outlined new details Monday of what he wants to see in the next and potentially final coronavirus relief package, including a five-year liability shield for businesses and a possible new round of stimulus checks aimed at workers making $40,000 a year and less.


“I can’t comfortably predict we’re going to come together and pass it unanimously like we did a few months ago — the atmosphere is becoming a bit more political than it was in March,” McConnell said. “But I think we will do something again. I think the country needs one last boost.”


McConnell has consistently said the next bill will include liability protections for businesses, health-care providers, universities and schools. He offered a time period for these protections on Monday, saying he envisioned a “narrowly crafted liability protection” for activities related to the novel coronavirus that would kick in December 2019 and last through 2024.

“Unless you’re grossly negligent or intentionally engaged in harmful behavior, you shouldn’t have to be penalized by getting sued on top of everything else, so that’ll be in there, I guarantee it,” McConnell said.


The new markers McConnell laid down will make the next round of negotiations even tougher than the last ones, especially as the election nears and partisan tensions rise. In addition to his comments on liability protections, McConnell has privately stressed to top administration officials that the price tag on the next bill should not exceed $1 trillion.
So basically, McConnell's pet lobbyists want to take away the right to sue, and McConnell is doing back-flips for them.

This man is a cancer on the Body politic.


Stephen Montsaroff said...

The Democrats will fold like a house of cards.

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