01 May 2020

Please, Pry Their Guns from Their Cold Dead Hands

Following an attempt by armed gunmen to rush the state legislature, Michigan Governor Whitmer allows her state of emergency to expire, then restarts the state of emergency a few hours later, resetting the 28 day clock that the 'Phants in the state legislature refused to extend.

If these ammosexual lunatics had been black, they already would have been shot to death by police:
Confronted with armed protesters at the state capitol and a lawsuit threat from GOP lawmakers over her executive orders, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) was unmoved, deciding to extend Michigan’s state-of-emergency declaration against the legislature’s wishes and without its approval.

Whitmer’s executive actions on Thursday, which extend various business closures and the emergency declaration to May 28, capped a remarkable day at the Michigan State Capitol, complete with gun-toting protesters and impassioned speeches on the House floor by Republican lawmakers trying to curtail Whitmer’s power.

Outside the House chamber, the protesters crammed into the hallway and stairwell, periodically chanting, “Lock her up!” and “Let us in!” Their chanting could be heard faintly from the House floor — and ultimately, the Republicans gave the protesters what they wanted: a refusal to extend Whitmer’s emergency declaration. In Michigan, legislative approval is required to extend emergency declarations beyond 28 days; Whitmer’s expired Thursday night, with no such approval to renew.

But at the end of the night, that didn’t stop Whitmer from issuing a new set of executive orders anyway, citing even broader emergency powers.
They were brandishing their guns in an attempt to intimidate.  This is assault with a deadly weapon, and they should have been arrested.


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