16 March 2020

What Dealing With the Pandemic Seriously Looks Like

The Spanish Government has taken control of all private hospitals in order to effectively fight the corona virus pandemic:
The Spanish government has nationalized all of its hospitals and healthcare providers in the country in its latest move to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health in Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's administration on Monday announced it would put all of Spain's private health providers and their facilities into public control as the spread of COVID-19 continues to grip the country.


"The government of Spain will protect all its citizens and will guarantee the right life conditions to slow the pandemic with as little inconvenience as possible," Sánchez said.

Madrid has also closed restaurants, bars, and shops — except for supermarkets and pharmacies. Authorities are using drones to monitor the movements of its citizens.

There were 9,191 confirmed cases of the virus in Spain as of Monday, with 309 deaths linked to it.
In one fell swoop, Spain has dealt with a problem, profiteering, that the US government is actively encouraging.

That's why Trump's head of the CDC said, "I guess I anticipated that the private sector would have engaged and helped develop it for the clinical side."

The powers that be in the United States, in both parties, are so wedded to the rules of Neoliberalism:
  1. Because markets.
  2. Go die!


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