03 December 2019


In a campaign stop is South Carolina, South Bend Mayor Pete "Sentient Mayonnaise" Buttigieg explained his horrible record as mayor on racial issues by stating that, "'I was slow to realize' South Bend schools were not integrated."

Considering the fact that there has literally been a consent decree mandating that South Bend desegrate its schools for longer than the Sentient Mayonnaise has been alive, his alibi falls flat.

It is literally impossible for him not to have known about this as soon as he had the slightest interest in a political career in his home town.

This is such a toxic mix of white privilege and duplicity that I thought that it exceeds the human capability for mockery, or so I thought. (The Onion has proved me wrong with their article "Pete Buttigieg Admits Only Recently Realizing Black People Can Vote,"  which is an amazingly well-done beat-down Buttigieg's racial insensitivity.)


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