08 November 2018

Someone Needs to Review Every Case this Asshole Ever Presided Over

Judges are to Texas as Man is to Florida.

And it now appears that soon to be former Texas judge Glenn Devlin is the most Florida man judge in all of Texas, whichis remarkable, because he had to beat out the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which has assumed facts not in evidence in order to execute a guy.

Devlin was defeated for reelection, largely because he had a policy of sending an inordinate number of black and brown children to juvie.

In response, the judge is throwing an epic tantrum:
After losing his bench in a Democratic sweep, Harris County Juvenile Court Judge Glenn Devlin released nearly all of the youthful defendants that appeared in front him on Wednesday morning, simply asking the kids whether they planned to kill anyone before letting them go.

"He was releasing everybody," said public defender Steven Halpert, who watched the string of surprising releases. "Apparently he was saying that's what the voters wanted."

In court, prosecutors voiced their concerns about the seemingly indiscriminate release of those accused of everything from low-level misdemeanors to violent crimes.


In total, at least seven kids were released, prosecutors said, including four facing aggravated robbery charges.


The longtime Republican jurist — whose seat was among 59 swept by Democrats in Tuesday's election — is one of two juvenile court judges in Harris County whose track records favoring incarceration contributed heavily to doubling the number of kids Harris County sent to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department in recent years, even as those figures fell in the rest of the state.

 Houston Chronicle investigation last month found that Devlin and Judge John Phillips accounted for more than one-fifth of all children sent to the state's juvenile prisons last year. The two jurists not only sent more teens to juvenile prison, but they also sent them younger and for less-serious offenses than the county's third juvenile court, where Judge Mike Schneider presides.


With the dust still settling from a massive shake-up in the local judiciary, Devlin showed up for Wednesday's detention hearing docket apparently ready to surprise.


Criminal justice advocates, however, were critical of the decision.

"Judge Devlin appears to be abdicating the basic responsibility of any sitting juvenile judge," said Elizabeth Henneke of the Lone Star Justice Alliance, a group that works to get young people out of the justice system and into treatment programs.
What an immature and petulant asshole.


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