12 November 2018

Oh Snap!

A judge in Florida will not impound voting machines in Florida, as Governor, and Senate candidate Rick "Batboy" Scott had demanded in court:
Injunction denied. That’s the decision Monday from a Broward Circuit Court judge at an emergency hearing involving a lawsuit filed by Florida Governor Rick Scott, asking to impound ballots and machines at the Broward Election office.

Instead of granting the injunction, Judge Jack Tuter suggested the addition of three additional armed Broward Sheriff’s Deputies at election headquarters who do not report directly to Elections Supervisor Dr. Brenda Snipes, like other deputies do.

Judge Tuter allowed the attorneys to meet privately and come up with a plan that everyone could agree on and when court reconvened, all sides agreed to the suggested plan of three additional deputies. One will monitor cameras, one will monitors USB drives that contain votes and the third will be a supervisor who the other two report to. They will not report to the supervisor’s office.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s U.S. Senate campaign filed two new lawsuits Sunday, one demanding law enforcement impound and secure voting machines, tallies and ballots in Broward and Palm Beach counties any time they were not actively in use.
I get that the Republicans define vote fraud as, "Whenever I lose," and I am glad that the judge saw through that bullsh%$.

The only illegal voting in Florida that I am aware of is actually in heavily Republican Bay County, which allowed some voters displaced by Hurricane Michael to vote via email.


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