- An Alternative History of Silicon Valley Disruption (WIRED) Money quote, "The tech visionaries’ predictions did not usher us into the future, but rather a future where they are kings."
- Contagion in the European CoCos Market (naked capitalism) Contingent convertible bonds, the latest financial weapon of mass destruction.
- Michael Olenick: The Real Story of "MAGA Bomber" Cesar Sayoc's Foreclosure (naked capitalism) "I can’t vouch for Sayoc’s skills as a stripper but in most other areas of life he seems to be a bumbling idiot, an easy target for Countrywide, Indymac, Stern, Goldstein, and Obama with his ignored promises for hope and change. Then, finally, like so many others who’d been abandoned and forgotten, Donald J. Trump."
- Record Low Water Levels Are Causing Chaos in Germany (The Weather Channel) Much of the German industrial transportation system is by water, and the rivers are too low for that.
- Ireland votes to oust ‘medieval’ blasphemy law (The Guardian) Ireland finally staggers into the 20th century.
- Wisconsin’s $4.1 billion Foxconn factory boondoggle (The Verge) Even by the standards of stadium deals, this is a f%$#ing disaster.
- Here’s what happened after California got rid of personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccines (Los Angeles Times)
- iPhones are Allergic to Helium (iFixit) Physics, bitches. It's glorious.
Let's have former volunteer fireman, and sometime TV producer, and writer, Rod Serling talk about bigotry: (start at about 13:15 if you do not want to listen to the whole 96 minutes)
This speech is no less on point today than it was 42 years ago.
Damn, that man could write.
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