His dismantling of his WMD program, followed shortly by an overthrow led by the US, made it clear to anyone on the world stage that the US cannot be trusted to keep its international agreements†
"We came, we saw, he died," and now the DPRK has successfully flown a missile with sufficient range to strike all of the United States:
North Korea claimed the entire United States mainland was within reach after “successfully” testing a new kind of intercontinental ballistic missile, which it called the Hwasong-15, and said could carry a “super large heavy warhead.”The leadership of the DPRK believes that we intend the same for them that we did for Libya.
While Pyongyang is prone to exaggeration, its boast of having all of the United States in range is in line with experts’ calculations that the missile launched Wednesday, which flew 10 times higher than the International Space Station, could theoretically reach Washington, D.C.
“With this system, we can load the heaviest warhead and strike anywhere in the mainland United States,” North Korea’s most famous newsreader, Ri Chun Hee, said in a special live broadcast on state television. “This missile is far more technologically advanced than July’s Hwasong-14. This signifies that our rocket development process has been completed.”
The missile logged a longer flight time than any of its predecessors and went farther into the atmosphere than ever before, reaching a height of 2,800 miles. The International Space Station, by comparison, is 240 miles above the Earth.
If the missile had flown on a standard trajectory designed to maximize its reach, it would have a range of more than 8,100 miles, said David Wright, co-director of the global security program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Given our record, it's not a completely crazy opinion to hold, and nuclear deterrence of the US is a sensible and sane strategy given this world view.
I would note that if they have 50 kg or so to spare in the warhead, it's likely that they could put decoys and other penetration aides (penaids) in the missile, which would greatly complicate mid-course interception.
We're in a fine mess.
*Hillary Clinton was the strongest advocate of the overthrow of Libya, which Obama, at least, had the self awareness to describe as his worst mistake.
†Yes, I am quoting an article from a web site called American Conservative, whose author works for the Cato Institute. What can I say? A stopped clock is right wtice a day.
You have to give credit to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il, for knowing the the 90's that we were going to help the Europeans overthrow Qaddafi. Particularly, after we stop Pak Chung He from building nuclear weapons.
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