- The FBI Hacked Over 8,000 Computers In 120 Countries Based on One Warrant (Motherboard) Live in obedient fear, citizen.
- Wells Fargo asks U.S. court to dismiss account scandal lawsuit (Reuters) They want to enforce a binding arbitration clause, but this is for accounts that their customers did not consent to, and so they did not consent to the binding arbitration clause. Just maroon all these guys on a desert island invested with carnivorous rats.
- Post-Election, How Do Women On Left Overcome Elite Feminism? (Shadowproof) I love me some Marxist dialectic here.
- Do Polygraph Tests Actually Work? (Priceonomics) No, it's primarily a tool to coerce confessions.
- Let's Colonize Titan (Scientific American Blog Network) Short version: With a dense atmosphere that blocks most cosmic radiation, you don't have to build underground.
- What Exactly is Zero-Knowledge in The Cloud and How Does it Work (Cloudwards) For a truly secure cloud, you have to have a cloud provider who holds none of the keys to your data, this is a primer and a list of providers.
- Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part One – Understanding Uber’s Bleak Operating Economics (naked capitalism) Part 1 of 4. Short version: Uber's business model is to use predatory pricing enabled by their funding to drive out competition, and once this is done, they collect monopoly rents.
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