- Why the S.E.C. Didn’t Hit Goldman Sachs Harder (The New Yorker)Because they were all Barack Obama's former classmates at Harvard, or the Clinton's at Yale, etc. Obama could never bring himself to prosecute what he sees as, "People like us," and he surrounded himself with people who held the same views.
- Why I Blew the Whistle on the SEC's Investigation of Goldman Sachs (Watch The Circus) The whistle-blower for the above link, James A. Kidney, in his own words.
- Choosing to Skip the Upgrade and Care for the Gadget You’ve Got (New York Times) Using older tech that still does the job.
- Prescription meds get trapped in disturbing pee-to-food-to-pee loop (Ars Technica) Eww………
- Australian Case Shows Why Corporate Sovereignty Isn't Needed In TPP -- Or In Any Trade Agreement (Techdirt) Money quote, "The key point is that it is not absolutely necessary to include corporate sovereignty provisions in a trade deal to protect companies, because there is always the state-to-state mechanism that can be invoked if necessary."
- The Pentagon's Twisted Potlatch (Foreign Policy in Focus) The author refers to the excesses of Potlatch culture, where chiefs would destroy their own property in an attempt to gain status, and draws an amazingly trenchant comparison to the Pentagon's acquisition process.
- Bill That Obama Extolled Is Leading to Pension Cuts for Retirees (The Intercept) Not a surprise. As Obamacare shows, his solutions to the problems of America is to load more risk and reduce reward to ordinary Americans.
- Scientists Acquire More Proof That Only Beavers Can Save the World (Gizmodo) A little beaver solves everything.
- Firms that paid for Clinton speeches have US gov't interests (AP) The problem is not that the Clinton's did broke the law, they did not. The problem is that this is legal.
- Correcting Correct The Record’s Record (Medium) The Hillary Clinton campaign is paying trolls online.
This episode of linkage has Hamaytz. Here is the Ramen Song, by my little girl:
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