01 December 2014

I Know that this is Trolling, but I Approve

Author H.A. Goodman is suggesting that black men should avail themselves of the right to open carry wherever possible.  He gives 2 highly convincing reasons:
I never thought I'd be an open-carry advocate.

However, I'm a firm believer in working within the American political system in order to change the status quo. If the Second Amendment is cherished by millions of Americans, then why not use it to further certain liberal ideals? Protecting African-American lives and alleviating tensions between the black community and law enforcement should be a top priority of all Americans and especially Congress; however, this is not the case. It speaks volumes that African-Americans vote over 90 percent Democrat during national elections, yet our future nominee in 2016 still hasn't addressed an issue the whole nation is talking about, even after Darren Wilson's acquittal and the flames that engulfed Ferguson.
He goes on to state that, "I'm not advocating armed insurrection. My name isn't Cliven Bundy."

He then gives three very good reasons for blacks to open carry:
1. Openly carrying a gun legally (in an open-carry state) is a public display indicating that an individual does not have a criminal record. This alone undermines the basis behind racial profiling.He's right, of course.

If you have been convicted of a felony, the federally mandated background check will catch you.

Well it will if you don't exploit the gun show loophole.
2. The epidemic of disproportionate force utilized against black men in America warrants an alternative, and legal, solution to this problem.


There are so many more instances of unarmed black males shot by police that there simply isn't enough room in this article to continue. Therefore, regardless of your view of gun ownership, the predicament faced by African-Americans warrants a serious look at whether or not openly carrying a weapon will save black lives.
Anything that deflates the sense of impunity that many in law enforcement (aka the Thin Blue Line) will improve the quality of policing int he country.
3. The vast majority of African-American men will never commit a crime, so it's time America realizes this fact. If openly carrying a gun will help our country overcome centuries of prejudice pertaining to skin color, then it's an option that should be pursued.
This whole "Carry a gun, and show that you are not a criminal," thing is trolling.

It's trolling when the (almost completely caucasian) open carry ammosexuals do it, and it's trolling when people of color do it.

But the right to troll is fundamental, and it should be available without regard to race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin.

BTW, if anyone wants to organize a gay black open carry parade in Houston or Dallas, TX, I will do what I can to help.


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