09 July 2012

We Are Not Looking at the Collapse of the Euro Zone

We are looking at a collapse of the whole European.

If the Euro goes titsup in Greece, UK Prime Minister David Cameron intends to ban Greek immigrants if the country leaves the Euro:
David Cameron is prepared to override Britain's historic obligations under EU treaties and impose stringent border controls that would block Greek citizens from entering the United Kingdom, if Greece is forced out of the single currency.

The prime minister told MPs that ministers have examined legal powers that would allow Britain to deprive Greek citizens of their right to free movement across the EU, if the eurozone crisis leads to "stresses and strains".

In an appearance before senior MPs on the cross-party House of Commons liaison committee, the prime minister confirmed that ministers have drawn up contingency plans for "all sorts of different eventualities".
Angela Merkel is not just threatening the Euro, she is putting the whole European Experiment is at risk.


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