05 January 2012

Jon Stewart is Right

At about 3:30, but it's worth it to watch the whole thing
You can make fun of Rick Santorum without having to resort to making ass juice/frothy mixture/Google jokes.

There's simply way too much insanity even without Dan Savages bit of literary genius.

Case in point, he just said that the "American left" "hates Christendom", because, among other things, they think that the Crusades were an aggression against the Arab world.

Because, the mass slaughter in Jerusalem, and the pogroms and murders that swept through Europe was all hunky dory.

On behalf of my ancestors, who were doubtless murdered and raped by your ancestors, go Cheney yourself.

H/t The Reality-Based Community, who asks the obvious question, "Is he going to endorse the Inquisition next, and expose Voltaire as an undercover jihadist and proto-Marxist?"

Seriously, I'm not sure if Santorum is simply bat-sh%$ insane, if he's just used to saying this crap because it's what College Republicans do to tweak people in order to get their juvenile jollies.

Truth be told, it doesn't matter.  The end result is the same.


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